#This routine takes a flat-fielded image (Fy...), and creates an image #suitable for doing photometry (Py...). It uses the bad pixel mask #"img" to set bad regions to 50,000, so that #the photometry routines won't try to do photometery there #(assuming DATAMAX=38000 or some such). # "photometric" image, #task y4kfix=/home/massey/survey/y4kfix.cl #Identify objects #changed F--->S (sky corrected) #Changed S--->G (shutter corrected) procedure y4kfix(img) string img {prompt="bad pixel mask"} begin string bad,s1 #Get parameter bad=img delete("objs") hselect("%G%%y*.fits","$I","imgtype='OBJECT'",>"objs") imdelete("P"//"@objs") list="objs" while (fscan(list,s1) !=EOF) { imexpr("b !=0 ? 50000 : a","P"//s1,"G"//s1,bad) } end